ITIS UMA researchers present at major conferences

In recent weeks, members of the Institute of Technology and Software Engineering of the University of Malaga have had an outstanding participation in several international conferences of great importance in the field of technology and innovation.

During these conferences, the members of ITIS UMA have not only participated, but have also played an active role in presenting their research and technological advances. They were also present at information stands, where they exhibited their projects and interacted with other professionals and academics in the sector.

At the beginning of June, several of our colleagues travelled to Antwerp for the EuCNC & 6G Summit, where they took the opportunity to share knowledge and discover the latest advances in 5G and 6G technology. Our director, Pedro Merino, also spoke about the 6G SANDBOX project and the toolkit that will be released in July.


Just a week later, another group of our researchers attended the Concurrency and Distributed Systems Conference. This edition, which took place in Cadiz, aims to showcase the work of departments and research centres in the IT sector. Francisco Luque, Delia Rico and Rafael López presented their work.


To end the month, a large number of our members attended the Spanish Computer Science Congress (CEDI), organised by the Spanish Computer Science Society (SCIE). This congress aims to bring together professionals dedicated to research, development, innovation and university teaching in the field of Computer Science. In addition to the large number of papers presented, Paula Muñoz Ariza received a second prize from SCIE and Delia Rico won the prize for the best presentation at PROLE.


ITIS UMA’s presence at these events underlines its commitment to knowledge dissemination and international collaboration, reinforcing its position as a benchmark in the field of technological innovation. The congresses in which they have participated cover diverse areas of research, allowing ITIS UMA researchers to exchange ideas and establish valuable connections with other experts.