The graduation ceremony of degrees of the Master in Advanced Analytics on Big Data and the Master in Big Data and Intelligence are held

Last Friday, 14th June, the Graduation Ceremony and awarding of degrees to the students of the VI edition of the Master in Advanced Analytics on Big Data and the I edition of the Master in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence was held in the Assembly Hall of the Ada Byron Research Building.

José Francisco Aldana, Academic Director of the Master, was in charge of opening the ceremony, welcoming those present and acknowledging the hard work that the graduates have done during this course.


The collaborating companies also had their space at the event. Manuel Delgado, Director of R&D+ at Airzone, spoke about the company and its relationship with the university. Manuel Ujaldón, Professor of the Master’s Degree and NVIDIA Ambassador, then spoke, encouraging those present to take on the new challenges of the market.


The event continued with speeches by Amador López and Adrián Correa, two of the students of both Masters, ending with the awarding of degrees and the subsequent dinner with graduates and professors.


Find out more about the next edition of the Master in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering at: