OLA 2023 conference begins, bringing together international experts in Optimization and Machine Learning
Between 3 and 5 May 2023, the sixth edition of the International Conference on Optimization and Learning (OLA 2023) is organized at the Rectorate of the University of Malaga. This event, organized by the researchers of the NEO group of the Institute of Technology and Software Engineering “José María Troya Linero” (ITIS), brings together internationally outstanding experts in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and in particular in the field of Optimization and Machine Learning.

The congress focuses on the future challenges of optimization and machine learning methods and their applications. It is an opportunity to discuss recent advances in research and develop new ideas and collaborations around AI.
More than 60 speakers and attendees will discuss these days on multi-objective optimization, uncertainty, deep learning, reinforcement learning, parallel execution of artificial intelligence techniques, as well as AI applications to transport and logistics or smart cities.
Professor El-Ghazali Talbi, of the University of Lille and INRIA, and Francisco Chicano, professor of the UMA, have inaugurated a congress that also has the participation of Oscar Cordón, reputed and awarded researcher of the University of Granada, which will give an invited plenary talk on the application of AI to the identification of human remains and forensic anthropology.
The congress will combine oral presentation sessions with a poster session in the Hall of the Rectorate. In addition to face-to-face attendees, being a hybrid event, it also has online participants and speakers who can follow and participate in the sessions remotely.