The ITIS participates in a simulation in the facilities of the Port of Malaga of the communications solutions for Public Safety developed in the European project Broadway
On July 21, 2022, a rescue drill was held to test mobile communications solutions developed by the consortium led by the company Frequentis in the Broadway project.
This initiative, in which the University of Malaga is present through the MORSE Research Group (ITIS), seeks that members of law enforcement or emergencies can carry out their operations with secure and reliable mobile networks anywhere, when they need it and with access to anyone they need to cooperate with.

The simulation consisted of the rescue of a ferry in which a fire takes place, with this aim to improve cooperation between emergency agencies at local, regional, national and international levels to make Europe safer. Local police, National Police, Port Police, Civil Guard, Fire Brigade, Civil Protection, 061 and SAS participated in this activity. A control room was installed at the MORSE group’s facilities in the research building ‘Ada Byron’. The Institute of Technology and Software Engineering and Telefónica were responsible for providing the mobile network during the simulation.
The comrades of Press UMA collect this event in the following link: